First Times: Nine Tales of Innocence Lost Read online

Page 4

  “It hurts,” I whimpered.

  He slowed.

  “Shhh. It’s all right. It’ll be better.”

  He kissed me softly, warm lips resting on mine, but kept his eyes open, and so did I. The feeling of his rod sliding into my tight channel was not so painful now, but there was still a burn to it as my slippery walls opened around this thick invader, a warm fullness spreading through me. It wasn’t so bad, after all. It began to feel good as he lay on top of me and slowly, slowly, slowly pressed himself in until he was buried to the root, and went still. I tried to turn but he trapped me with kisses, making my stomach flutter, an odd sensation as I felt full of his manhood. Only then did he slowly begin to pump, and my legs spread and lifted around him, grasping his hips. My thighs were slick and hot, even as I hooked my calves around his legs. He went from holding my wrists to holding my hands, his fingers twined through mine. Every time a jolt of pleasure or pain jerked through me, my hands tightened around his. Strong hands, implacable hands.

  His gentleness shocked me, but what shocked me more was the animal grunt and the sudden rush as he began to pump faster, and squeezed my arms harder. He pressed his forehead to mine and ground against me, driving me into the bed with his long, hard thrusts. I writhed under him, sliding against his body, slick with sweat, as his mouth found my throat again and he grunted and snarled and pressed harder and harder with every thrust. Driven into a frenzy by his cock, I arched under him and cried out, a tingling, pressing feeling rolling through my body as my nerves all came alive at once. I was swept away on a current of pleasure, a passenger in my own body as warm pulses spread through me, laced with cold, jolting shocks, more and more every second, every thrust. He grunted and arched up, pressing me down, lifting from me and grimacing as he climaxed inside me, spilling his seed deep within.

  As he reached his peak mine exploded through me, sending me into a writhing frenzy followed by a sudden, total calm as I flopped still on the bed in a puddle of my own sweat, totally spent. He drew out of me slowly and stood up, clenching his well-shaped legs to conceal the trembling in his muscles as he steadied himself. His cock was wet from me, hanging between his legs. I lay there breathing slowly and staring at him. He reached down and traced his rough fingertips over my stomach and around my nipples, and then closed his hand around my throat, until I could feel my own pulse beating against his fingers. I remained stock still as he caressed my jaw with his thumb, and let go.

  “I give you permission to cleanse yourself, but you will not bathe until I tell you. I want my scent on you for a while longer.”

  “Yes,” I nodded, then curled up on the bed. “May I dress, now?”

  “No. You will eat lunch and dinner with me, nude. Then I will allow you to bathe. If you please me when I fuck you again tonight, I will give you a nice warm bath, and clothes to wear.”

  He gave me a caress, running his fingers through my hair.

  “Perfect. Beautiful. Quite an investment, I must say.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Rest, now. If I am going to breed you, we must couple many times, until I know you’re quickened. Sleep.”

  I drifted off as he left me, clothes folded on one arm, and flicked out the light. I fingered my collar. Not so bad, now.

  Not so bad at all.


  I wasn’t supposed to be in the field house.

  My college isn’t a very big school. Nobody from any of the teams goes pro, and the football stadium is really just a field and bleachers, modest even by high school standards. The field house doubles as the school’s athletic center, so at one point or another all of the intra- and extramural sports teams move through the building, even using the same locker rooms. I was on the women’s swim team, and I went swimming whenever I could. The center was open to all students on Saturdays, though the football field was off limits during practice. As I went in that afternoon I stopped to watch them at practice, staring at the commotion through the chain link fence. I don’t know much about the game, or really care for it all that much, but it was in interesting to watch all the motion and hear the panting and grunts. Some of the players spotted me. I watched them pull their helmets off and gesture towards me. I waved, and shrugged.

  After I changed into my bathing suit, I dove into the water and began doing laps up and down my lane.

  Swimming has always been my freedom. There’s a subtle flight or flight response to being immersed in water that never quite goes away and helps to crowd the rest of the world out. My world became the steady motion of my arms and legs, my head rising out of the water and dunking back under, tapping the wall, turning, and kicking off to move faster from one end to the other. I went all out until I was exhausted and could barely climb out of the water and wander over to flop down into a deck chair and push my goggles up onto my forehead. I kept my eyes closed to keep the bright overhead lights out of them and lay there struggling to get my wind, forcing my breathing even. After a while, when I was mostly dry and the burning in my arms and legs had faded to a dull ache, I went back to the pool and dove in.

  I crashed through the water, backed against the wall and pushed off, and started swimming again. I rolled over and worked on my back stroke for a while, until I tired from that and just swam all out, trying to beat my own speed. There was a lot on my mind and I wanted it gone for a while. Midterms were coming up, I had projects due, all the usual pressures. I just needed to be free. The swimming gave me that, and I kept going until I thought I was going to cramp. I crawled out of the water and caught my breath on my hands and knees for a while, then got up and went back to the deck chair and flopped down on my towel. I was exhausted, heaving for breath, too tired to keep my eyes open. I glanced at the clock. The staff left at five and locked up, but it was only three, so I could lay there for a while.

  My eyes drifted shut. The big overhead lights hurt my eyes. I pulled my goggles off and let them dangle from one hand, hanging from the arm of the chair. I heard a soft clacking sound as I lost my grip and they tapped on the floor, just before I drifted off into the dark.

  When I woke up, I was curled up in the chair, turned on my side. My hair was stuck to my head, all frazzled from letting the pool water dry from it, and I stank of chlorine. I yawned and twisted in the chair and got up, my aching muscles protesting. I glanced at the clock. It was after five, which meant they just let me lay there while everyone left. The lights were out but there was enough sun coming through the skylights to see by. I started stretching, my hamstrings first, to get the ache out. I should have stretched before and after the swim but in my own way I was terribly lazy. I tried to tame my unruly hair and yawned loudly, still tired. I heard something in the distance and had a sudden feeling I was being watched. Shaking my head, I dismissed the notion. It was nothing, I assured myself, water dripping or the old building creaking.

  Yawning, I threw my towel over my shoulder and headed into the locker room. Once inside I patted myself down, as if I had pockets, and realized I was missing the key to my padlock. Sighing, I laid the towel on the wooden bench and padded back out to the pool, and started looking around. A glint of light on metal caught my eye and I turned.

  He must have been one of the football players. He was six feet tall if he was an inch, and dressed only in a towel, and he was twirling the lanyard the held my key on one finger, sending it spinning in slow circles that caught the sun and sent out flashes of light, like a beacon. I strode over and reached out.

  “That’s mine,” I said.

  The player danced back, swinging in the key out of my reach. For a man dressed in a towel, he was surprisingly quick on his feet. I stepped forward, sighing as I realized he was playing a game of keep away. I squared up my five foot four inch self, planted my fists on my hips, and looked up at him. I spoke in my best aspiring teacher voice.

  “I’d like my key back, please.”

  He leaned on the door fame, still twirling the key, and grinned. “How do I know it’s yours?”
/>   “Who else would it be,” I said.

  “What are you doing here? It’s after hours. Players only.”

  I sighed. “I fell asleep, and the jerk lifeguard left me laying there.” I gave a little shrug. “Sorry.”

  He was eyeing me, hard, his eyes moving up and down my body. The slick one piece racing suit I wore was both modest and revealing, somehow at the same time. It covered me to the neck, at least in the front, but the way it rode up from my crotch made me acutely aware of my bare legs. The suit flatted me out, which wasn’t hard, since I was lean to begin with, but he was drinking in the sight all the same, focusing especially on my legs, looking at my hips, trying to see around back to the swell of my butt. I folded my arms over my chest and scowled.

  “I want to go home,” I said. “Can I have my key now?”

  He nodded his head from side to side in mock contemplation. “It’s not a nice neighborhood,” he said. “It wouldn’t be very nice of us to let you walk home unescorted. Why don’t you wait around for a while? We’re just changing.”

  “Key,” I said, holding out my palm.

  He danced back, moving into the hall.

  “Come get it,” he said, grinning, then ran.

  His towel came loose and he grabbed it in his other hand, whooping. Seeing red, I charged down the hall after his bare ass. For all my exercise my legs were shorter, and I fell behind in the sprint, and had to slow or slip on my bare heels as I made the turn into the locker room. I skidded to a stop when I realized had just barged into a room full of men in various states of undress, at least half of them completely naked. I stood there quivering like a leaf, trying to look at nothing and figure out what I was going to do. I started to back away, only to tap against one of the players standing behind me, blocking the exit. The top of my head barely came up to his chest.

  “What are you doing in here?” he said.

  “My key,” I blurted. “He took my locker key.”


  I shivered. “I don’t know his name. I left it by the pool…”

  “Shoulda’ checked the lost and found,” another said, moving up behind me.

  I was surrounded now, eyeing the door. Panic flowed up my spine and spread into my chest, and the player blocking the door licked his lips. Suddenly I was trying to decide if I wanted to stay here and try to get the key back or walk home barefoot in a bathing suit and hope my roommate would buzz me in to the dorm. I looked around, counting and measuring up. There were eleven of them in the room, now all standing to look at me. A good number of them were naked, and I flicked my eyes up to the ceiling, the sight of all those cocks making me squirm with agonized embarrassment.

  “I didn’t mean to come in here,” I said, as calmly as I could manage. “Can I have the key?”

  Silence. “Okay, then. I’ll just be going.”

  I started to move when a meaty hand slipped big fingers under the criss-cross straps on the back of my suit and dragged me back into the locker room. They were crowding around now, and those wearing towels had discarded them. The one who had my key stepped up, wearing the lanyard around his neck. The key swung lightly against his broad chest. He’d discarded his towel, and I almost involuntarily glanced down to see his heavy rod swinging between his legs as he put his hand on his hips.

  ‘There it is,” I said, reaching for the key.

  I was jerked away as he stepped back, my fingers missing they key by inches. He grabbed my wrist inside and stepped forward, dragging my hand towards his hips. He pushed my hand against his cock and I felt the heat of it on my palm.

  “So you want your key back,” he said, glancing at the others. “How badly?”

  My hand was still on his dick. I yanked it back, like I was touching a hot stove.

  “Very badly,” I said. “Look, I said I’m sorry. Can we not make this weird?”

  A hand grazed my ass, moving over the slippery material of my swimsuit, the thumb grazing my skin. I realized how much it had ridden up into the crack of my butt, and resisted the urge to pluck at it. The caress became a grope, a sharp squeeze that made me squeak in alarm. I moved forward and thumped into the player that had my key, and bounced back, only to bump into another player. The ones who’d partially dressed had taken their clothes off, rather than finish putting them on. Suddenly everyone was naked but me, and I twisted, trying to get through the press of bodies to the door, but it was like swimming in a tank full of sharks. My panic changed the air, gave it a crackle of excitement like lighting before a storm. I was dragged into the press of men by the back of my suit, and surrounded.

  They were getting hard. An erection brushed my hip, another poked my back. My body dumped adrenaline and hormones into my system and I started shaking like a cornered rabbit, switching from flight to fight, but strong hands caught my arms. The one who had my key came at me from behind, shoving his hands under the tight material of my suit. I watched the fabric undulate as his hands moved under it, his fingers tracing hot trails over my skin, over my tickling sides and up under my arms before sliding around to press against my breasts and squeeze. I gasped and felt my nipples stiffen, and twisted, trying to get loose. He leaned his chin on my shoulder and breathed hot into my ear.

  “Are you the chairwoman of the itty bitty titty committee, or just a member?”

  I twisted more, kicking at his shin.”Let me go.”

  “You want your key?”

  God, he was hard. He pressed his cock against me, the underside nestling between my ass cheeks. I could feel the heat against my suit.

  “Please,” I whimpered, all the fight leaving me. “Just give me my key and let me go. I won’t tell anybody.”

  “Tell anybody what?” he said, touching his lips to my throat. “Tell anybody you sucked off the whole football team?”

  He was pushing me down, his hand on my shoulder. I twisted and he slowed my descent, so it only stung a little when my knees landed on the concrete floor. He was holding me from behind, one hand inside my suit, the other gripping my short hair. He leaned back and turned my head. I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull free, but he was too strong.

  “You want your key, you gotta pay the toll,” he said. “You gotta work for it.”

  I was surrounded, pinned down, my small frame pulled against his hard body, his erection throbbing against my back. His hand snaked down between my legs and his fingers teased my folds, and I gasped. I was already getting wet. The smell of male musk and sweat and pushed the tang of chlorine out of my nostrils. I tried to push it away, thinking this isn’t me, I’m not doing this, but it was unmistakable. The hand holding my hair held my head still as the first of them stepped up, stroking his cock to a half hardness. When his hand fell away I realized how big it was and that was only half hard. He stepped up and took it in his hand, and began rubbing the head against my lips. It was hot and surprisingly soft, sliding over my tightly closed lips, pressing, trying to gain entrance. I gasped for a breath and my lips parted.

  My mouth opened around his cock as it slid between my lips, hardening as he let out of a soft groan, which prompted a gale of laughter from the others. I was too busy staring at his sculpted abs filling my blurred vision as the push came from behind. He was moving my head, using my lips to stroke the other player’s cock. I was still pulling a his wrist, but feebly. The cock in my mouth was overwhelming and the feeling of fingers teasing my pussy was humiliating but exhilarating at the same time, my body assaulting me with strange, shivery sensations totally unlike when I touched myself. A wave of fear passed through me as his finger pressed at my entrance. Would it hurt? I’d never had a man inside me before, never even come this close. There was too much at once, it was too overwhelming.

  I didn’t realized what the sudden rock hard throbbing of the cock straining my jaws meant, or the taste of salt on my tongue, until he grunted and pumped a thick spurt of salt-bitter cum into my mouth, then another. I coughed and gagged and felt it overwhelm my mouth and spill down my chin. There was ye
t more as he pulled away. It hit the chest and neck of my suit with aloud, wet slap.

  “Watch it,” he said, behind me. “Get it on her, bro!’

  I didn’t have time to think. There was another cock pushing into my mouth as a finger slid up inside me. I was so wet, it just slipped in and started moving inside me, slowly at first, like he was testing my reactions, feeling me clench up and quiver against him as he found the spots that sent cold shocks running down my legs or made the heat pooling between my legs move even further. He pressed his lips to the back of my head and breathed slowly, a strangely intimate gesture even as the other player held my head in his hands and started pumping, sliding his thick cock between my lips, pushing the head towards my throat, pulling back just enough to let me raggedly suck in a breath through my nose. He was fucking my mouth, the roughness strange against the gentle tenderness of the finger teasing my pussy. A second joined it, spreading wider. I coughed and gasped and more cum slapped hot on my cheeks and neck, and almost hit my eye. I coughed and twisted. One finger felt good but two was on the verge of pain.

  “Please,” I gasped, ragged, “I’m a virgin.”

  “Quiet,” he whispered in my ear, his voice rasping.

  Before I could say anything else, there was another cock in my mouth. I closed my eyes and held still, feeling my gag reflex twinge and send a jerk through my body as his cockhead pushed against my throat. His fingers pumped inside me, curling and moving against me from the inside as his palm ground against my sex. My clit hardened, tight and hypersensitive, making me moan around the cock in my throat. My legs were shaking and heat spread through my whole body. Sweat popped on my forehead and back and I felt slick wetness from my arousal sliding down my legs. He was kissing the back of my neck. Why was he doing that? His cock slid against my back, pressing against my ass. I felt the tip lightly touch the bare skin of my back and shuddered as I realized what happening. I was getting hot for him even as his friends fucked my mouth.